NFT # 59505 - Makersplace v2

Walter Iooss Jr. - Makersplace v2 - LeBron James, Los Angeles, CA 2010 - NFT # 59505

LeBron James, Los Angeles, CA 2010

“This was the most over-the-top production I’ve ever worked on. Nike rented the entire arena, which was cordoned-off like Putin was meeting Biden. There must have been 18 security guards - one in each entry point into the stadium standing cross-armed. Before we started working, I met with Lebron in his trailer, and we looked at different dunk videos of him and determined that this was the specific dunk we wanted to capture. We warmed up with a few approaches to the hoop then quickly moved into the dunks. I knew I would only get so many attempts, and when LeBron did this specific dunk, I looked at the back of my camera and screamed. LeBron knew it was the one too. It wasn’t going to get better than that.” Walter Iooss Jr. May 4th, 2021 ************************************************************************************* Artist: Walter Iooss Jr. Title: LeBron James, Los Angeles, CA 2010 Location: Sports Arena Date of Photo: August 4th, 2010 NFT Mint Event For Image: #01 Release Date: May 18th, 2021


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Walter Iooss Jr.
Walter Iooss Jr.

Sports photographer

an American photographer best known for his award-winning images of sports' greatest athletes, including Michael Jordan, Kelly Slater, Tiger Woods, Scottie Pippen, and Muhammad Ali.

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