NFT # 391244 - Rarible Marketplace v2

Vernon Davis Collection - Rookie SZN

- This NFT celebrates Vernon Davis’ Rookie Season of Professional Football in 2006.  -This NFT is exclusive with only 10 editions ever crafted.  -The winner of this auction will win the NFT in high resolution, along with unlockable audio. -The highest qualifying bidder of this auction will receive a signed jersey from Vernon Davis. -This NFT was crafted by Cickbat, with inspired direction from Vernon Davis. Sound by Pianoman Potter. -You must purchase this NFT to unlock the audio.


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Unique Current Owners

(2 Historical Owners)


Current Market Supply

(10 Initially Minted)


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Vernon Davis
Vernon Davis

American football tight end

a former American football tight end. He played college football at Maryland, and was drafted by the San Francisco 49ers sixth overall in the 2006 NFL Draft.

Top Current NFT Owners

(2 current owners)